Welcome to my newest blog. My goal is to complete a 365 project even though I am starting a little late this year. I failed in my attempt before...but with a new camera and faster laptop I am renewed in my efforts to post successfully...wish me luck!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

One of my Dad's Barns..

If you ask me where I got my artistic abilities from I would have to say my dad. Although he doesn't paint much anymore, for a long time he traveled around with his Canon camera snapping up photos of old beaten up barns...then he would spend time on the sunporch interpreting what his camera caught. This is one of my favorites.
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  1. What a great story-it's in the genes.
    Oh funny me-I was thinking how much like Martha's dad that sounds like!

  2. Kathy - is that the barn on the hill on Rt. 167? He would probably love to read what you wrote about him on your blog!
