Welcome to my newest blog. My goal is to complete a 365 project even though I am starting a little late this year. I failed in my attempt before...but with a new camera and faster laptop I am renewed in my efforts to post successfully...wish me luck!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Divan Japonais: Penguin Syle

Our school's mascot is the rockhopper penguin and as part of an art project both teachers and students are taking famous works of art and inserting our penguin into the mix..this is one of my efforts...Hard to put a penguin's beak on a beautiful woman's face...but c'est la vie!
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  1. Did you paint that entire thing?? Truly awesome!

  2. love this stuff you do w/famous artist's work! so creative! and fun too I am sure.

  3. Why yes I painted (or in this case, drew the entire thing)...wait till I show you some of the others...everyone of them is awesome!
