Welcome to my newest blog. My goal is to complete a 365 project even though I am starting a little late this year. I failed in my attempt before...but with a new camera and faster laptop I am renewed in my efforts to post successfully...wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Tuesdays with Margie"...

I spent a wonderfully creative day in Brookfield today with my sister Martha at our friend, Marge's studio. What a great and inspiring time we had, bouncing ideas off each other, creating block collages and motifs of Rockport, Mass. Marge is a wonderful and patient teacher, and I came away with so many new ideas...can't wait to get back to my own studio and try some out. Thanks a million, Marge...you home AND ART is SPECTACULAR!!
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1 comment:

  1. Kathy, you all look like you are having such a good time. I'll bet the creativity was flying around the room!
